General information about company

Scrip Code*532740
Name of the listed entityLOKESH MACHINES LIMITED


Mode of Fund RaisingPreferential Issues
Description of mode of fund raising (Applicable in case of others is selected)
Date of Raising Funds08-01-2024
Amount Raised (in Rs. Crores)14.59
Report filed for Quarter ended30-06-2024
Monitoring AgencyNot applicable
Monitoring Agency Name, if applicable
Is there a Deviation / Variation in use of funds raisedNo
If yes, whether the same is pursuant to change in terms of a contract or objects, which was approved by the shareholders
If Yes, Date of shareholder Approval
Explanation for the Deviation / Variation
Comments of the Audit Committee after review The Audit committee noted that there are no deviations.
Comments of the auditors, if any


Mode of Fund RaisingPreferential Issues
Description of mode of fund raising (Applicable in case of others is selected)
Date of Raising Funds11-01-2024
Amount Raised (in Rs. Crores)36.48
Report filed for Quarter ended30-06-2024
Monitoring AgencyNot applicable
Monitoring Agency Name, if applicable
Is there a Deviation / Variation in use of funds raisedNo
If yes, whether the same is pursuant to change in terms of a contract or objects, which was approved by the shareholders
If Yes, Date of shareholder Approval
Explanation for the Deviation / Variation
Comments of the Audit Committee after reviewThe Audit committee noted that there are no deviations and Rs. 36,48,75,000/- is the total issue size. However, as on 30th June, 2024, company has received 25% of the issue size i.e. Rs. 9,12,18,750/- (Rs. 60.8125/warrant for 15,00,000 warrants), as upfront consideration/subscription amount. Balance 75% (Rs. 182.4375/warrant) will be received as and when the conversion option is exercised by the warrant holder to convert warrants into equity shares during the tenure of 18 months of the warrant.
Comments of the auditors, if any

Signatory Details

Name of signatory Mullapudi Lokeswara Rao
Designation of personManaging Director